
nedelja, 27. september 2015

Late september hike

It was one of those days you just can't get stuck on the first mountaintop you see.. and so we were walking and walking and walking. Every time we stopped he was showing some trails on the last mountain I could see, but hey.. it was just a few steps away to another beautiful scenery.

All I was thinking was that he is even worse than me in discovering new places and 'let's see what is behind that corner' kind of trips. Thanks for this one.. ;)

Photos taken with: 
Canon Eos 7D mark II and iPhone 5s

Trail info:
Javorje - Pl. Suha - Matajurc - Rodica - Zadnja Suha - Pl Suha - Javorje

5 komentarjev:

  1. So natural and so peaceful. I want to try it wiht my love

    bao gia thiet ke quan cafe

  2. Kako pa kuža prenese take pohode? Nima nič vnetih tac?

    1. Brez težav. Je že od malega na različnih terenih, tako da je navajena. Kondicije ima pa precej več kot mi.

    2. Mi pa imamo vseeno od Ruffwear-a čevlje. Včasih pri ekstremno dolgih pohodih pridejo prav :)
